Thursday 21 February 2008


Hi guys,

I'm afraid its going to be quite impossible for me to attend our next meeting (unless by some miracle LU can get me from Earl's Court to Wembley Park in 0 minutes).

Hope you've all enjoyed Saturday to some degree. It is at times bizarre and unrealistic but I've no doubt you'll find it a thought provoking read.

A thought for discussion though. I read it several times before the 7/7 bombings; in the light of the London bombings, how does Dr. Perowne's argument with his daughter hold up?

Sorry I won't be there myself and have a good time.


1 comment:

asa said...

Hello Bhupash,

Shame you couldn't make it since you are the Ian McEwan guru. We had an interesting discussion; there sure are lots of topics incorporated in the plot. Regarding your reflection on the 7/7 bombings...we didn't really discuss how Dr Perowne's argument held (I for one know too little about foreign policy to feel that I can form a an opinion); however, your question led us to discuss how hidsight might change the reader's perception of the book and if it was possible to sense the author's opinions on the invasion of Iraq. Me personally really enjoyed the book, but then; I do like Ian McEwan's style of writing.
Hope you can make the next meeting; let me know if you need a copy of "Boy A". I'm half way through and enjoying it!

best wishes,